If you're a K-2 teacher who is looking to...
Teach your students to work independently, love writing time, and even beg for it!
Learn how to respond when students struggle with spelling words independently or writing sentences on their own
Get proven strategies for helping students write more - and love writing time!
Then you're in the right place! You'll leave this FREE webinar knowing exactly what to do to help your students write independently!
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- Wendy S.
"This is an awesome resource for someone new to teaching writing or who wants to improve their teaching of writing."
- Tara J.
"This is amazing! I was looking for a thorough product. This is it. I am so grateful for the work you create and share. Even better, you teach us about how to use them with best practices on your blog and in your webinars. I LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS!!"
- Shannon G.
"I've always known and admitted that writing is my hardest subject to teach, but I'd never found anything that really strengthened my instruction... until now. This is so well laid out that I'm finally confident that my kids will leave my room as wonderful writers! Thank you so much!"
What will this exclusive webinar cover?
In this free training, we'll go over:
Exactly what to do and say so your students feel confident enough to write independently!
Strategies for keeping your students engaged during your writing block, which will give you more time to meet with individual students
What to do when you encounter common writing obstacles, such as students wanting you to spell words for them
By registering for this workshop, you agree to receiving reminder emails about the workshop and other news and offers from Learning At The Primary Pond.
Tip: Use your personal email address to ensure you can receive our emails.
Teaching students how to write in Kindergarten, 1st grade, or 2nd grade is no joke! It can be challenging for kids and a struggle for us as teachers.
But what if I told you that your writing block could become your FAVORITE part of the school day? (This has actually happened for many of the teachers I've supported with their writing instruction!)
During this free workshop, I'll share my secrets for getting your students writing (and drawing) independently, loving writing time, and even begging for it!
We'll also talk about what to do to set yourself up for success all year long.
This workshop will be full of practical, "implement right away" strategies that don't require lots of time or materials.
- Alison Ryan
Founder of Learning At The Primary Pond
By registering for this workshop, you agree to receiving reminder emails about the workshop and other news and offers from Learning At The Primary Pond.
Tip: Use your personal email address to ensure you can receive our emails.